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[P00000BA] Visual assist x Standard 적립금

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상품코드 P00000BA


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* Visual Studio에 애드온형식으로 구동되는 제품입니다.  
- Standalone이 되지 않는 제품입니다.

Visual Assist is THE best plugin for Visual Studio C++. Do not, I repeat, do not try to work without it—your health is at stake.The “trust the programmer” approach that Visual Assist offers is fitting of the ideal of C++.The whole GUI of Visual Assist is completely unobtrusive, yet on a PC without it, I feel like a junkie on cold withdrawal.
for Microsoft Visual Studio
Productivity tool for C/C++ and C#
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Introduction to Visual Assist

If you know your way around Microsoft Visual Studio, especially if you know its boundaries, you’ll find Visual Assist to have features you wish were standard in the IDE. This extension makes the IDE phenomenal.


If you're already a fast coder, a wee bit set in your ways, and skeptical of plug-ins and extensions, you'll really appreciate the understated interfaces of Visual Assist. This product doesn't get in your way.


If you cringe at the thought of another parser running as you edit, you'll be impressed with the speed of Visual Assist. This plug-in doesn't consume resources just to tell you you've violated a formatting standard.


Visual Assist has a wealth of features to enhance developer productivity.

They're all really great.

Improve virtually every Microsoft IDE you have with the multitude of features that comprise Visual Assist.


Navigate Quickly

Move about your code with newfound ease—to any file, method, symbol, or reference in your projects and solutions. Get anywhere from anywhere. Let Visual Assist remember where everything is.

Open File in Solution

Find and open files in your solution fast with a powerful dialog that supports filtering.

Open a list of all files in a solution, and optionally include all open files and windows. Shrink the list with path filters, multiple match strings, and negative filters. Click a column heading to sort. Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click to open multiple files. 

Find and open files in your solution fast with a powerful dialog that supports filtering

Find Symbol in Solution

Find symbols in your solution quickly with a powerful dialog or drop-down in the VA View.

Open a list of all symbols in your solution, and optionally include all symbols in 3rd party libraries. Shrink the list with prefixes, multiple match strings, and negative filters. Select a symbol, and find its references or jump to its implementation.

Find symbols in your solution quickly with a powerful dialog

Open a context menu in the dialog to set advanced options.

Open a context menu in the dialog to set advanced options

Find References

Find references faster and with more options using Visual Assist.

Open a list of references to the current symbol, or to a symbol in any tool window of Visual Assist. Read and write access are differentiated in the results using light blue and pink by default. 

Find References

Clone the results to find references to other symbols without losing your original set.

Clone the results to find references to other symbols without losing your original set

Open the context menu in the results window to filter results and set advanced options.

Open the context menu in the results window to set advanced options

Goto Implementation

Goto definitions and declarations from, and to, more places using Visual Assist.

Jump where you need to be using the default shortcut (Alt+G) or Go button, from within comments, into frameworks that support code-behind, and into source files outside your projects. 

Goto definitions and declarations from, and to, more places using Visual Assist

Goto Related

Goto locations related to the current symbol.

Jump to more places using the default shortcut for Goto Related (Shift+Alt+G). Locations vary with type of symbol, but may include definition of a type, base classes, base methods, derived classes, constructors, and overridden methods. 

Goto locations related to the current symbol

Goto Member

Goto members of the current symbol.

Browse members of a class, or "members" of other data structures, such as enums, namespaces, and structs. Browse via a dialog that supports filtering. 

Goto members of the current symbol

List Methods in File

Find and jump quickly to any method or class in the active document.

Use the Down Arrow in the VA Navigation Bar, or the default shortcut Alt+M, to see a list of all classes and methods in the current file. Filter the list using multiple match strings, and jump where you need to be. 

Find and jump quickly to any method or class in the active document.

Move Scope

Move to next and previous scopes in the active document.

Use the tiny arrows in the VA Naviation Bar to move to the next, and previous, methods and scopes in the active document. Assign shortcuts for faster access. 

Move to next and previous scopes in the active document.

Find by Context

Find next and previous references of any symbol by context.

Find the next reference of any symbol, skipping like-named symbols found with F3. Use buttons in the Visual Assist toolbar, or assign shortcuts for faster access. 

Find next and previous references of any symbol by context.

Open Corresponding File

Switch quickly between related files.

Open quickly the file that is most related to the active document. In C/C++, that typically means the corresponding header or cpp file. In C#, the designer and code-behind files, or aspx and source. Use a toolbar button, or the default shortcut Alt+O. 

Switch quickly between related files

VA Hashtags

Create named bookmarks and manage tasks.

Hashtags in comments act as named bookmarks that are shared, move with code, and can be accessed in all solutions. VA Hashtags can also define tasks for all developers of a solution. (No configuration required.) Navigate to hashtag references using a tool window or the Goto Related (Shift+Alt+G) command. 

Create named bookmarks and in-code tasks

VA Navigation Bar

Glance to know your current context, and that of the current symbol.

Glance at the VA Navigation Bar to determine your current scope, to a degree more detailed than that of the IDE navigation bar. Visual Assist is specific to the class, method, and language construct. For language constructs such for(), if() and while(), the right portion of the VA Navigation Bar includes the condition of the statement. 

Glance to know your current context, and that of the current symbol

Navigate among files, not just within a file.

Navigate back and forward in your code much like you do with an Internet browser, to and from more places than the navigation commands in the IDE. Visual Assist extends navigation among files. If you navigate into file B, return quickly to your location in file A. 

Highlight Current Line

Locate easily your place in your code, with more options and better clarity using Visual Assist.

Highlight using background color, or thin frame that does not obscure text and special characters. 

Highlight Current Line


Refactor Easily

Reduce the complexity of your code, improve its readability, and make it extensible without changing its external behavior. Refactor legacy code, code you inherit, or the first version of your own work.

Access to Refactoring Commands

Refactoring commands are available in menus accessible by keyboard and mouse, and contents of the refactoring menus vary with context. Refactoring is available in the tool windows of Visual Assist, and in the text editor on symbols, selections, and whitespace. 

Open a context-aware refactoring menu for the current symbol with the default shortcut Shift+Alt+Q.

context aware refactoring menu

Obtain a complete list of refactoring commands in the context menu of the text editor.

Obtain a complete list of refactoring commands in the context menu

Hover over a symbol and Visual Assist displays an icon when refactoring is available. Click the icon to open a context-aware menu.

Hover over a symbol and Visual Assist displays an icon when refactoring is available


Rename symbols quickly and accurately, in your active project and throughout your solution.

This often-used refactoring renames the definition and declaration of a symbol, all references to it, and optionally, occurrences in comments and strings. A preview of all targets to be renamed is always shown so you are confident the rename does what you expect. Deselect any references you want untouched, and undo the entire operation if you make a mistake. 

Rename is available for:

  •  Classes
  •  Enums
  •  Fields
  •  Macros
  •  Methods
  •  Method parameters
  •  Variables

Select Rename from any of the refactoring menus, specify a new name, and set your options. The preview of changes differentiates read-only and writeable occurrences.

Select Rename from any of the refactoring menus

Change Signature

Change the signature of a method from any reference, implementation, or declaration.

Update the signature of a method or function in a simple dialog, and Visual Assist infers the differences between the original and new signatures. Reorder, rename, add, and delete parameters with this powerful refactoring that also updates all references to your method. When renaming a parameter, references to it within the method are also renamed. 

Change any or all of the following parts of a signature:

  •  Method name
  •  Return type
  •  Visibility
  •  Parameter names
  •  Parameter types
  •  Parameter order
  •  Number of parameters
  •  Qualifiers

Similar to the rename refactoring, set the scope of the change and preview the set of references that will be refactored.


Encapsulate Field

Create accessors to a member field by encapsulating the field.

Restrict actions on a member field with the Encapsulate Field refactoring. Accessors are created and named automatically, and your original field is untouched in the event you need legacy code to compile as you update references. If you encapsulate a new field, immediately make the field private to restrict future access. 

Create accessors to a member field by encapsulating the field

In C/C++, accessor methods are created adjacent to a declaration in a header, and can remain in the header for inline execution.

In C/C++, accessor methods are created adjacent to a declaration in a header

If you prefer implementations in a source file, follow Encapsulate Field with another refactoring to move the implementations to a corresponding source file.

Move the implementations to a corresponding source file

Extract Method

Move a segment of code into a separate method, and replace the segment with a call to the extracted method.

Make long methods easier to read and share common blocks of code with the Extract Method refactoring. Extract multiple lines, or a segment of one. The return value and parameters of the extracted method are determined for you. 

Move a segment of code into a separate method, and replace the segment with a call to the extracted method

In C/C++, the refactoring creates an inline method in a header, or extracts the implementation directly to source.

In C/C++, the refactoring creates an inline method in a header

Introduce Variable

Replace an expression with a variable that explains the purpose of the replaced code.

Introduce Variable defines a temporary variable in the innermost scope of the selection, initializes the temporary variable with the replaced code, and replaces one or multiple occurrences of the expression with the temporary variable. 

Replace an expression with a variable that explains the purpose of the replaced code.

Rename Files

Rename your active document without breaking the build.

Rename the active document and its corresponding files easily, without interrupting your flow or breaking the build. Visual Assist automatically updates files, projects, and solutions, and then propagates the rename through source control systems that integrate with Microsoft Visual Studio. 

In C/C++, headers and source files are renamed in pairs, and the rename of a header automatically updates all directives that #include the header. In C#, design and code-behind files are renamed simultaneously.

Rename your active document without breaking the build

Move Selection to New File

Move code to a new header or source file, and have the new file added to the active project automatically.

The refactoring creates the new file in the same directory as the active document. Define the format of the new file with a VA Snippet. In C/C++, Visual Assist can replace the selection in the active document with an #include if the selection is moved to a header. 

Move code to a new header or source file

Move Implementation to Source File

In C/C++, easily move the implementation of a method from header to source file.

This refactoring is often initiated after other refactorings that place implementations in header files for inline execution, e.g. Encapsulate Field. The refactoring creates a declaration in the header, and moves the implementation near those of other methods in the same class. Define the format of the implementation with a VA Snippet. 

Move Implementation to Source File

Move Method Implementations to Source File

In C/C++, move all implementations from header to source file in a single operation.

To complement to the refactoring command that moves a single implementation, this plural version moves all methods from a header to a class. Invoke the command from the name of a class, not from one of its members. A dialog appears in which you can select the implementations to move. 

Move Method Implementations to Source File

Code Generation

Generate Code Faster

Generate code faster than you think possible, even if you use just a handful of the features in Visual Assist. As soon as you're a proficient user, share with us ways to improve Visual Assist so you're even faster.

Create from Usage

Introduce a symbol without interrupting your flow.

Type the name of an undefined symbol, and open a refactoring menu to introduce the symbol without leaving your current position. This top-down style of development works for many targets, including enums, variables, functions, and methods. 

Introduce the symbol without leaving your current position

Tell Visual Assist what target to create in the dialog that opens.

Create from Usage

Add Member

Quickly add a method or member variable to a class.

Add a method or member variable to a class from any reference to the class, without interrupting your normal flow. 

Add a method or member variable

Specify the signature of the new method or member variable in the dialog that opens.

Specify the signature of the new method or member variable

Add Similar Member

Easily create a member in a class similar to an existing member.

Open a refactoring menu from any reference to create a member in a class similar to the existing reference. This style of top-down programming doesn't interrupt your flow. 

Add similar member

Specify the name of the new member, and modify its signature if necessary.

Specify the name of the new member

Implement Interface / Virtual Methods

Quickly generate the stubs for an interface or the virtual methods of a base class.

Implement methods from a single inherited interface or class by opening the refactoring menu when the text caret is on an inherited object. Implement methods from all inherited objects by opening the refactoring menu from the name of the current class. 

Implement methods from a single inherited interface or class

Select the methods to implement in the dialog that opens.

Select the methods to implement in the dialog

Visual Assist creates empty stubs for definitions.

Visual Assist creates empty stubs for definitions

In C/C++, Visual Assist also creates declarations.

In C/C++, Visual Assist also creates declarations

Document Method

Quickly add comment blocks before methods.

Add a comment block prior to a method, using a format defined by a VA Snippet. Reserved strings in the VA Snippet automatically expand for parameters and return value, so the components are commented on separate lines. 

Quickly add comment blocks before methods

Create File

Create files in your project quickly and easily.

Create a file in the same directory as the active document, and have the file automatically added to its project. Define the initial content of new files with a VA Snippet. In C/C++, invoke the command a second time to automatically create a header, and have it included in a new source file. 

Create files in your project quickly and easily

Add #include

In C/C++, quickly add a directive to the current file to make a symbol known.

Add a #include directive for any symbol known in the project, solution, system, or 3rd party libraries. Visual Assist inserts the appropriate directive, adjacent to other directives near the top of the active document, without moving your position. 

quickly add a directive to the current file to make a symbol known

Add Using Directive

In C#, reference a common .NET type, and Visual Assist suggests adding the appropriate Using directive. Unlike with the like-named IDE feature, the directive appears as a suggestion; there is no need to expand a smart tag. 

Visual Assist suggests adding the appropriate Using directive

Add Missing Case Statements

Easily expand a switch statement to consider all values of an enum. 

Expand a switch statement too consider all values of an enum

Add/Remove Braces

Quickly add braces to convert a simple statement to a compound statement, or remove braces from a one-line compound statement to make it a simple statement. Assign a shortcut to toggle braces. 

Quickly convert a simple statement to a compound statement

Create Implementation

In C/C++, quickly create an implementation from any declaration.

Create the implementation of a symbol that has only an declaration, and Visual Assist automatically places the implementation in the corresponding source file, near the implementations of neighboring symbols. Types, return values, and parameters are consistent between header and source file. 

quickly create an implementation from any declaration

Create Method Implementations

In a single step in C/C++, create implementations of all methods in a class.

Declare a class, then in a single step, create implementations of all of its methods. Declarations and implementations are consistent between headers and source files. Existing implementations are not overwritten or recreated. 

create implementations of all methods in a class


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