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[P00000VY] E-Notebook Ultra (교육기관용) 적립금

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E-Notebook Ultra (교육기관용) 기본 정보
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상품코드 P00000VY


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E-Notebook provides a smooth interface designed to replace paper laboratory notebooks. E-Notebook pages contain Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, ChemDraw drawings and reactions and spectral data. E-Notebook can be searched by text, structure or reaction. E-Notebook is for Windows only.

E-Notebook Ultra 10.0
This ultimate notebook suite includes E-Notebook Ultra 10.0, ChemDraw Std 10.0, ChemFinder Std 10.0 and Chem3D Std 10.0. It adds the ChemDraw and Chem3D applications, as well as the ChemINDEX database, to E-Notebook Pro.
Windows 2000/XP

E-Lab Notebook organizes information typically stored in paper notebooks. Pages consist of Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, ChemDraw reactions, stoichiometry grids and spectral data. Oracle or SQL support allows organizations to share data, located by text or substructure searching, as well as maintain rigorous security and efficient archiving.

Applications Included:

ChemDraw ActiveX/Plugin Pro 10.0
ChemDraw Std 10.0
Chem3D ActiveX Pro 10.0
Chem3D Std 10.0
ChemFinder Std 10.0
E-Notebook Ultra 10.0

Databases Included:

ChemINDEX Ultra 10.0 - DVD with 3 Databases: ChemINDEX (small molecule physical property data 70,000+ compounds), ChemRXN (29,000+ organic reaction databases), NCI Database (200,000+ anti-cancer drug dose-response data), AIDS Database (NCI compiled for anti-viral compounds).

Features Included:

Configurability/E-Notebook - Design forms and add buttons that are tailored to your needs. (multiple-user configuration only)
AutoText/E-Notebook - Share prewritten protocols that dynamically add data from the experiment.
Molecular Modeling & Dynamics - Workstation quality molecular modeling.
Object Specific Settings - Create drawings with different styles in different parts of the document.
Structure Drawing - Draw chemical structures.
Graphical File Formats Enhanced - Import graphics stored in GIF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and BMP formats.
Chemical Warnings Enhanced - Mouse-over red box to read error description.
Extensive Data Types/E-Notebook - Notebook pages include ChemDraw reaction schemes, Microsoft Word and Excel documents, and spectral data using the Galactic Spectral Control.
ChemDraw & Stoichiometry Calculations/E-Notebook - Stoichiometric calculations are long and tedious. E-Notebook tackles this troublesome problem by performing the calculations for you, dependant upon the drawn reaction and other entered parameters.
Microsoft Office & Galactic Spectra/E-Notebook - E-Notebook manages all the other kinds of data chemists store in their notebooks. For free-form data, you can include Microsoft Word or Excel documents. For spectral data, you can take advantage of the Galactic Spectral Control embedded in the notebook that allows for analysis and storage of hundreds of kinds of spectra files.
Enhanced Graphics - Chem3D uses openGL to provide high quality graphics display.
Structure Perspective Tool - Adjust the perspective of ChemDraw molecules with simple horizontal/vertical mouse movements.
Floating Character Map - Add special characters from any font instantly to any ChemDraw document.
Floating Periodic Table - Element information available at all times with floating periodic table on the desktop.
Atom Numbering - Add sequential numbering indicators to atoms in a structure.
Polymer Draw - Represent and manipulate polymers in ChemDraw.
Multi-Page Docs - Create multiple page documents and posters within a single ChemDraw file.
Structure CleanUp - Improves poor drawings.
Online Menu - Draw a structure or model and immediately get online vendor information ChemACX.Com with the click of a button.
Stereochemistry - Identifies stereocenters using Cahn-Ingold Prelog rules.
LabArt - Publication-quality EPS glassware art for use within your ChemDraw documents.


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무통장 입금은 상품 구매 대금은 PC뱅킹, 인터넷뱅킹, 텔레뱅킹 혹은 가까운 은행에서 직접 입금하시면 됩니다.  
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배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 무료
  • 배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
  • 배송 안내 :

    - 상품 배송일은 결제 후 최대 5일(영업일기준)정도 소요됩니다.

    - 라이선스 등록을 위한 필요 서류

    1. 사업자 등록증 사본  (필수)
    2. 담당자 이름 (한글/영문 동시기재)  (필수)
    3. 담당자 이메일  (필수)
    4. 담당자 연락처  (권장)

교환 및 반품 정보

-  상품 배송일은 결제 후 최대 5일(영업일기준)정도 소요됩니다.

-  구매하시는 소프트웨어에 따라 필요한 서류의 차이가 있음으로, 구매하신 후 반드시 쇼핑몰로 연락부탁드립니다. (02-6212-0200)

한글과컴퓨터 제품의 경우 제조사로부터 저작권 관련 안내문을 받으시면 해당 가격으로 구매가 불가할 수 있습니다.

   * 구매하시기 전, 반드시 쇼핑몰로 연락주셔야 합니다. (02-6212-0200)

-  상품명에 표기되어있는 USER는 구매 갯수로 100USER의 경우 100개 이상 구매 시 적용되는 가격입니다.

라이센스 제품 및 ESD 제품은 제품 발급 후에는 반품이 되지 않으니 제품 기능적인 부분을 반드시 확인하신 후 주문하시기 바랍니다.

-  외산제품의 경우 환율변동에 따라 가격 차이가 있을 수 있음으로 사전에 꼭 견적 문의를 주셔야 합니다.

-  외산제품의 경우 웨어로몰은 구매대행업체로써, 제품 설치 및 기능에 있어서 자세한 설명이나 기술적인 지원이 어려운 점 양해부탁드립니다.

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