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[P00000VZ] The Merck Index 14th, Book & CD (교육기관용) 적립금

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The Merck Index 14th, Book & CD (교육기관용) 기본 정보
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상품코드 P00000VZ


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Ltd, Std, Pro, Ultra 버전도 있습니다.

With more than one million copies sold, The Merck Index has been THE go-to reference for generations of professionals looking for precise, comprehensive information on chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. This is the newest edition of the standard reference for chemists, biochemists, pharmacists, and related professionals.

This 14th Edition has been extensively revised to ensure its accuracy and enhance its readability with many new features. The Merck Index is a one-volume encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals that contains more than 10,000 monographs, 32 supplemental tables, 450 Organic Name Reactions, and now includes a companion CD! About 4,000 of the entries cover drugs and pharmaceuticals, 2,000 describe common organic chemicals and laboratory reagents, another 2,000 cover naturally occurring substances and plants, 1,000 focus on the elements and on inorganic chemicals, and approximately 1,000 pertain to compounds of agricultural significance. Each monograph in this authoritative reference source is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. In addition, there are more than 700 new and completely revised monographs, thousands of new references, trademarks and uses added to previous edition’s monographs. Several hundred discuss endogenous substances and biological agents. There is an expanded focus on "Green Chemistry" and compounds of environmental significance. In addition to revisions and updating, enhancements include embedding the Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers for title and derivative compounds within the monographs.

Compounds Included:

  • Human and veterinary drugs

  • Biotech drugs and monoclonal antibodies

  • Substances used for medical imaging

  • Biologicals and natural products

  • Plant and herbal medicines

  • Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals

  • Laboratory reagents and catalysts

  • Dyes, colors and indicators

  • Environmentally significant substances

  • Food additives and supplements

  • Flavors and fragrances

  • Agricultural chemicals, pesticides and herbicides

  • Industrial and specialty chemicals

  • Organic chemicals used in research

Information Provided:

  • Chemical, common and generic names

  • Over 15,000 trademarks and associated companies

  • CAS Registry Numbers for over 12,000 compounds

  • Over 8,500 chemical structures

  • Molecular formulae, weights and percentage composition

  • Capsule statements identifying compound classes and scientific significance

  • Scientific and patent literature references

  • Physical and toxicity data

  • Therapeutic and commercial uses

  • Caution and hazard information

  • Recalculated molecular weights using the 2005 IUPAC Table of Standard Atomic Weights

  • Up-to-date U.S. regulatory information on carcinogens and controlled substances

  • Extensively revised supplemental tables now including Acronyms, Vaccines, and Physical Constants

The Merck Index now includes a companion CD-ROM which features 989 monographs no longer available in print, organic name reactions, supplemental tables and a new user interface (CambridgeSoft's ChemFinder) for user-friendly searching.

Features of the CD:

  • Searchable by keywords, references, and numerical properties

  • Search the complete contents of the 14th edition, plus nearly a thousand monographs archived from previous editions

  • Comes with a free one-year subscription to the Merck Index Internet Edition

  • Windows-compatible, powered by CambridgeSoft's ChemFinder

  • Extensively revised supplemental tables now including acronyms, vaccines, and physical constants

  • More than 70 pages of hard to find information in one easy-to-use place

Hardcover: 2198 pages

Dimensions (in inches): 3.18 x 13.16 x 7.38

Published: October, 2006

First Edition: 1889

ISBN: 091191000X


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배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 무료
  • 배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
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