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[P00000VQ] ChemDraw Professional 17.0-win/Mac(교육기관용)-ESD 적립금

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ChemDraw Professional 17.0-win/Mac(교육기관용)-ESD 기본 정보
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상품코드 P00000VQ


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The Scientifically Intelligent Drawing Suite for Chemists and Biologists

The ChemDraw® Professional 17 suite provides scientists with an up-to-date collection of scientifically intelligent applications for chemical structure drawing and analysis combined with biological pathway drawing.

ChemDraw® Professional 17 is the industry standard structure drawing suite for the serious professional to draw accurate, chemically-aware structures for use in database queries (including direct searching in SciFinder), preparation of publication-quality graphics, and entry for modeling and other programs that require an electronic description of molecules and reactions as well as advanced prediction tools and full Web integration using the ChemDraw ActiveX/Plugin.

ChemDraw® Professional 17 also provides a drawing tool for biological pathways. It includes common pathway elements (membranes, DNA, enzymes, receptors, etc.) as well as the ability to import other entities. One of the advantages over alternative pathway drawing tools is the integrated power of ChemDraw's chemical intelligence. ChemDraw Professional is the gold standard for chemical and biological drawing, publication, and query preparation.

ChemDraw Professional Windows includes ChemDraw Professional and ChemFinder (W). It also features ChemDraw for Excel (W), ChemDraw ActiveX plug-in, and Name=Struct.

"(W = Can only be installed on a Windows environment)"

ChemDraw® Professional 17 Suite Highlights in Version 17

  • Includes a free subscription to ChemDraw Cloud
  • Enhanced Hotkeys – Literally type entire reactions with the use of our Enhanced Hotkeys. Guided by an indicator to the active site, you can now create molecules and reactions with a minimum of keyboard strokes.
  • Biomolecule support – Import biopolymers using HELM notation, create biopolymers from scratch using the HELM monomer toolbar and create and share you own monomers
  • Document tagging – Store user defined metadata along with your document

For more information on all of the applications that are included in the ChemDraw Professional suite, please see the Applications tab below.

Software Requirements



Macintosh (ChemDraw Only)

Operating System

• Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate (32 bit)

• Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate (64 bit)

• Windows 8.1 (64 bit)

• Windows 10 (64 bit)

• Mac OS X 10.11 and 10.12

Microsoft Office (Standard, Professional, or Enterprise) NOTE: For 32 bit only.

• Microsoft Office 2013*

• Microsoft Office 2016*

*including Office 365 support.

• Microsoft Office 2016*

*including Office 365 support.

.Net Framework

• .Net Framework 4.x

• N/A

Browser ActiveX controls:

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.x (32 and 64 bit)

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.x (32 and 64 bit)

• N/A

NOTE: The ChemDraw & Chem3D Plugins are no longer part of any ChemOffice/ChemDraw package. The ChemDraw & Chem3D ActiveX controls are still included with windows packages.


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배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 무료
  • 배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
  • 배송 안내 :

    - 상품 배송일은 결제 후 최대 5일(영업일기준)정도 소요됩니다.

    - 라이선스 등록을 위한 필요 서류

    1. 사업자 등록증 사본  (필수)
    2. 담당자 이름 (한글/영문 동시기재)  (필수)
    3. 담당자 이메일  (필수)
    4. 담당자 연락처  (권장)

교환 및 반품 정보

-  상품 배송일은 결제 후 최대 5일(영업일기준)정도 소요됩니다.

-  구매하시는 소프트웨어에 따라 필요한 서류의 차이가 있음으로, 구매하신 후 반드시 쇼핑몰로 연락부탁드립니다. (02-6212-0200)

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   * 구매하시기 전, 반드시 쇼핑몰로 연락주셔야 합니다. (02-6212-0200)

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